April to June is the time when the Flamboyant Trees or Peacock Flower Trees (Delonix regia) bloom in Dubai. The streets in the neighbourhood near the boys' school is lined with these trees and driving to school is a spectacle of colour.

The trees are endemic to Madagascar but are popular around the world. They are common in Dubai as the don't need a lot of pampering and the provide welcome shade in the summer.

Thanks for the pics and info. How hot does it get? How hot is it now? I love to share your blog with my kids to get a personal view of the other side of the world. We are just now getting into Spring, which means 50% rain/50% sun. Best day will get to high 60s. :(
such beautiful colours! I don't envy you the heat, I am a winter person, I would wilt!!
Hi Molly
At the moment it is around 40C (104F) but it is still just Spring. Mid summer can go up to high 40's. The law in the UAE says that if it goes over 50C (122F) everything must shut down and school and businesses must close down, so officially it never goes over 49C (120F) but my car themometer has shown 52C (125F) in high summer before. But as I said, no one goes outside then, everybody stays close to the AC. The heat only last about 4 months, the rest of the year it is really lovely weather.
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