To mark History Month the Adelaide Chapter of the ArtDeco and Modernism Society
held a walking tour of the CBC on Sunday.
As a newbie in Adelaide I thought it was a great opportunity to see and hear more about
the architectural history of this fair city, from those in the know.
The city is littered with Art Deco buildings of all sizes and in all states of repair. It was great to meet people who are passionate about the heritage of this particular era, and who are working hard to preserve what is still in existence.
The tour lasted almost 2 and a half hours and we only covered a very small part of the city.
My favourite was the Bank of South Australia building in King William Street. It is a gorgeous example of total Art Deco high rise design. The interior is still in its original condition too. Unfortunately, as it was a Sunday, we couldn't go inside. It is on my to-do list for the next time I am in town during business hours.
We saw quite a few smaller buildings that survived modernisation. It seems their size saved them, as it is not economically viable to demolish and rebuild on such a small plot.
The only interior we were able to see was the former West's Cinema, now the headquarters of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, in Hindley Street. The circular foyer with its two flights of stairs are still in original condition. The balustrades, mirrors and domed ceiling revoked something of the (now fashionable) gatsby era.
*Have a look at the Adelaide Chapter's Facebook page for more photos of
these and other Art Deco buildings around Adelaide