Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Article for HAND/EYE Magazine 03

The latest issue of HAND/EYE Magazine is now available. The whole issue is dedicated to the artisans and crafts of Central Asia. It is a beautiful piece of publishing and if you are even remotely interested in the craft or culture of this region, it is a must-read.

I am double excited about this issue, because not only do I love craft and this whole region of Afghanistan and surrounds, but... my first print article has been published in this issue of HAND/EYE! I have been published in online magazines before,but this is my first article for a print-edition.

See -that's me. In print.

The magazine is beautiful and rich. Lots of wonderful articles and stunning photos.
Get yours now. Visit the HAND/EYE website to find an outlet near you. Or order online. And while you're at it, join their Facebook fan page.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

sign language - the South African way

Minibus taxi's are as much part of the South African landscape as thorn trees and Springbok supporters. So why has it taken us so long to incorporate the taxi-culture into our design world?

This is a new set of postage stamps recently released by the South African Post Office. It shows the differt hand signals used to flag down a taxi. Every area or township has a different signal, this way you can indicate to the taxi driver where you want to go as he approaches. If he is going your way he will stop otherwise he will just carry on.

Every denomination of stamp has a signal for a different township. Maybe you can match your stamps to their destination now...

Friday, 9 July 2010

Du-bye embroidery finished

Finished, framed and presented. This is what the completed picture looks like:

I tried to tell the story of their life in Dubai as I saw it. They came to Dubai 7 years ago to work on the construction of the Madinat Jumeirah...

...they came here as couple, but only got married in Dubai. They stand under the cross of Jesus, on the top of the dune, to symbolize their relationship with the Lord

The writing in the clouds are the time they spent in Dubai...

...and is written by his own aeroplane

The FJ Cruiser with the roof tent represent all our camping and fishing trips we shared with them. It contains a few details representing specific incidents which has become treasured memories for us and them

The Harley is a treasured possession and represents his love of motorbikes and travelling. The Harley and the plane goes back to SA with them and are shown 'in motion' to symbolise them flying and riding into their future.

I used an Arabic-design border to frame the picture, showing how their life and time in the UAE has limits. No expat can stay here forever and we will all come to the end of our time here...

Finally, just a few close-ups of the stitching. I used mainly back-stitch with a few chain-stitches here and there.