I had the idea of making something out of recycled soft drink cans for a long time but I never could decide what to do. Then once I realized how easy it is to cut the aluminium with normal scissors I just fell into it and played around with a few different star shapes. Eventually I decided on this 6 point star because it is easy to cut and easy to manipulate.

This is the finished project, hanging on the porch outside the front door. It is made up of stars from different kinds of soft drinks (and a few beers).

I connected them with beads and fishing line.

I didn't realise it at the time of making it, but now that it is finished I like the fact that there are a combination of English logos and Arabic logos. All the cans here in Dubai has the English logo on one side of the can and the Arabic logo on the other side. As I could get two stars out of each can I have a good mix of the two languages. This will be a nice
memento of our time in Dubai for the years to come when we don't live here anymore...

I added a few beads and bells to the bottom to finish it off.
The 'blank' stars are made by using the inside of the can as the front. The printed side is on the back.

As usual, I had this very professional plan to work from! :-)
I gave it to my husband as a birthday gift and he is very happy with it. I am also quite satisfied with the way it came out in the end, although in retrospect, I would make a few changes to it if I do it again. (not soon - it is quite labour intensive!) I would make the beaded connections a bit shorter to give it a more dense appearance. As you can see from the 'plan' the different colour stars are suppose to be in the shape of a star. This is not very obvious in the finished product because the stars are to far apart. I would also use either stronger fishing line or proper beading wire. I had to redo a few connections because the fishing line broke.
I am thinking about making a tutorial for this one. It will be my first tutorial so it will be a good challenge. If anyone is interested in a tutorial, can you please let me know in the comments, please.
What an inventive idea! I love the bead connections. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. You're so creative.
I think that it is beautiful and very creative. I am sure that working with metal was not easy.......
Are you from South Africa by any chance? I noticed some of the South African authors on your profile? I am South African but on our way to Australia.
Once again, beautiful work...
This is wonderful!
I love this!! I originally saw this on Craftster. If you decide to generate a tutorial, I'm sure it would be appreciated by all.
Beautiful work.
I would LOVE a tutorial on this!! What a unique project!
hello...i adore this project! so different! i a "green fanatic" as is my whole family, so green projects are a favorite holiday gift. if you would post a tutorial you would be my "bestest" friend ever!! thank you so uch for your inspiration! Lisa in LA
I would love a tutorial of this project. It is so beautiful!!
I too would love a tutorial. My 22 year old son is looking for Artwork for his new apartment. I would love to surprise him with this.
I would love a tutorial--mainly just the directions and template for the stars.
Great project!
I would also love a tutorial on how to make the stars!
I would definitely be interested in a tutorial, I need something pretty to put outside my craft room window and this would be perfect :)
Yes please! A tute on how to cut and form the stars would be great! Love it!
What a great use for those cans (and just recycle the remnants). How sharp are those stars? I.e. should I recommend this for my 6-year-old namesake or send it to my 14-year-old niece?
I'd love to a tutorial! This is great!
Yes, a tutorial would be wonderful! You've done such an amazing job. It's beautiful!
I would love to know, particularly, how/if you made the cut-edges not be dangerously sharp.
Great proyect! Tutorial?! more than welcome!!!! Thanks for sharing
Ale (Costa Rica)
Yes please write a tutorial for this!
I love it! I would love a tutorial!
I agree with everyone else - we definitely would like a tutorial!
I would love a tutorial! How did you make the stars have the 'ribs' instead of just being flat stars? Love the finished piece!
I came from the Whip Up site and I would love to see a tutorial. Love love love the stars!
oh yeah a tute would b great
I came here from Whipup and would love to see a tutorial! Great project.
A tutorial would be fantastic!
-- especially how to make that initial cut into the can, and what you used to protect your hands while working with the stars.
Wonderful!! I really love this project and i am waiting the tutorial. Congratulations,
The tutorial can be found here: http://sonenskadu.blogspot.com/2010/03/tin-can-stars-tutorial.html. I posted it on Monday.
Great idea! I saw this on Craft & had to stop by. Thanks for posting!
I love this! I tried a test star last night because I'd love to make a string of these to hang in my room, but if you had tips for how to make them neater, how to maximize can space, etc., that would be awesome. A tutorial would be fabulous!
The tutorial can be found here: http://sonenskadu.blogspot.com/2010/03/tin-can-stars-tutorial.html
interested? you bet i am! this is awesome!
Dear, your tutorial challenge is GREAT!!! Very beautiful and interesting your attention in showing the two languages etc... I loved! Thank you so much for sharing it!
I'm collecting cans so as I can make my own project and I hope I can make it with such care as you did yours ;-) Congratulations! :D
I must say, you did a fantabulous job! I love everything about it. Congratulations and thank you ever so much for the tutorial!
Hi there!
I was looking through my folder and found your site again from back in 2009. I noticed the tin can stars and wondered if you ever made the step by step tutorial?
Great site btw,
Linda J
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