Before I came to live in the Middle-East I thought an Arab is an Arab is an Arab. They all look the same, they all dress the same and they all believe the same.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
The longer I live here the more I come to realize this is possibly one of the most culturally rich and diverse regions of the world.
One of the things I came to admire is the rise of a younger generation of culturally aware individuals from this region. They are educated, intelligent, creative and very productive. The Brownbook Magazine is one of the endeavors of this generation. It is an urban lifestyle guide focusing on design, culture and travel across the Middle East and North Africa.

These two images where published in the latest issues and gives a quick visual guide to the diffidence in dress styles across the region.
If you are interested in learning more about some of the real people of this region, get your hands on a copy of the magazine, or read some of the features online.