It's been more than a month since my last knitting update...
The dropped stitch made me unravel everything and start over. After lots of counting stitches and changing colours the completed portrait looks like this:

It was quite a job keeping track of all the different strings of yarn and I had to stop every few rows to undo all the tangles, but in the end it all worked out fine. The tension is not perfect and some of the colour change-overs are more successful than others...

My mom,who was visiting for a few weeks (hence the blog-absence) helped me to work away all the loose ends and in the process she closed up a few holes. So after finishing off and damp stretching it looks like this:

Even the back doesn't look to bad...

This was an experiment in knitting with different colours and was never meant to be a project on it's own, that's why the imperfections doesn't bother me too much. It was all a learning experience.
While I was working on this I came upon
this post by futuregirl about
intarsia knitting. I had to google the word intarsia as I had no idea what it was... and guess what: It is what I've been doing all this time! Ha! This is my first project using intarsia knitting. Go figure.