When I decided on the name of my blog way back in April 2009, I chose it because to me it implies a process, a growth and movement. My intention was to document the whole creative process of a project from initial idea to finished product. Looking back at previous entries, I realise I mostly just blogged about the finished object and not the preceding sol y sombra. This is partly due to the fact that I forget to take photos of all the different stages of a project, and partly because I get so involved in the thought process that I never stop to write about it.
I plan for this to change. In 2010 this blog will be a journal of the process instead of a record of the finished projects.

Since I started this blog, our
laat lam* baby turned into a toddler, and anybody who has ever had a toddler will know your time is never your own again! So, although I love spending time with her, it meant that my productivity took a dive in the latter part of the last year.
She will hopefully join a playgroup for two mornings a week from next month. This will give me back some of my creative time. I already have a list of ideas lined up...
*laat lam is an Afrikaans word meaning late lamb. It is a term used to describe a youngest child born several years after his/her siblings. In our case the age difference between the first two is 16 months. Between the second and third it is 9 years.

As I mentioned in my previous post, meeting other creative people is one of the perks of blogging. During 2010 I hope to nurture and grow some of these relationships by sharing other people's work and ideas through this blog.
I will start by introducing some of the wonderfully talented people I know personally and then move on to my virtual friends. Let's see where that leads us...

As you've probably figured by now, travelling to new and interesting places is a priority for our family. Dubai is so centrally located that with a five hour flight we can go to Europe, Africa, Asia and all of the Middle East. We try to take advantage of this by travelling as much as possible and we already have a few exciting travel plans for 2010...

People who use craft as a means to reach out to and uplift under privileged communities really inspires me. It is such a great way to teach people to take care of themselves as well as restore their dignity and selfworth.Teaching people a craft and the business skills to turn the craft into an income-generating project is one of the best ways to make this world a better place.
During 2010 I hope to get more involved with these kind of endevours and to help raise public awareness of these projects.