As you can see I changed the background of the blog to... well, nothing.
I am in transition. The blog is in neutral. Some days I feel like it is in park. But it is not. I just stopped quickly to have a look at the map. I am not very sure where I am going at this stage. I wouldn't say I am lost - I know where I am. It's just that I am not very sure where it is I'm going to next. There are lots of options. Each one as exciting (and a little bit scary) as the next.
I will soon start a new job. I have not had a full-time, paid job in many years. I am super excited, and a bit scared. My days will not be my own anymore. My hours will now belong to someone else. The job will be really creative, I will be surrounded by talented people and I will learn a lot. I hope and believe that I will also contribute a lot.
Adelaide is still new to me, but everyday I am surprised and delighted to see how much are happening here in the line of fiber art, needlework and creativity in general. I am surrounded by talent and I can't wait to dig deeper, to meet artists and to get involved in the 'scene'.
I want to concentrate more time on writing. Since I started writing it was always the 'extra' thing I 'also' do. I want it to be more of a focus - to take it more seriously and to devote more of my time and energy to it. I am still figuring out how this blog is going to fit into this new focus.
But I will never stop making. I have unfinished projects, unstarted projects and millions of ideas. To quilt, to knit, to crochet, to embroider...
So over the next few weeks, as 2012 winds down to it's end, I will figure things out and come up with a new strategy. A new vision. For myself and for this blog. Sol y sombra.
Enjoy this new journey as well, Ansie! All the best, we're looking forward to whatever comes from your creative mind.