Although I like the finished ball I think the process was a lot more satisfying than the end result. I loved the process of designing the pattern and figuring out the spirals. I also loved making the individual hexagons/pentagons. I like the colours and I am happy that I added the solid colours to the variegated ones. But somehow the finished ball is not as spectacular as I imagined it would be...

I had to make a lining as the crochet was to 'holey' to keep the stuffing in. I chose black as I just wanted it to disappear in the background and not make a colour statement. Now I think it makes the ball dull. Maybe I should have picked one of the main colours - yellow? blue? I don't know...

Initially I had in mind a whole series of balls made with different techniques of needlecraft. But now that the football fever has died down it sort of lost it's appeal. I still feel there should be at least three balls and I really want to make an embroidered one, but I am not sure about the design yet. And I have a whole list of other things I want to get to...