I blogged about...
things I have made,
some handicrafts from South Africa, that impressed me,
I did not blog about...
the article I wrote for the first edition of NEEDLE magazine,
(It is the first time I got published and hopefully not the last time.)
the 2 giveaways I won on other blogs,
(2 e-books about craft-blogging by Diane Gilleland of http://www.craftypod.com/ on http://whipup.net/ and a lovely beaded heart from http://southofthesahara.blogspot.com)/
and my family. I love them very much and although most of my life revolve around them, they are not part of this blog. Firstly because I believe that if they want their lives and faces on the internet, they can put it there themselves, and secondly because this blog is where I am the me that's not a wife and a mother but just me.
In the next post I will reflect on what blogging has taught me over the last nine months.
did your heart arrive safely? I've put mine on the handle of our hutch. Looks lovely, and I don't have to wait until next Christmas to enjoy it.