The boys are in that pre-teen phase of life where they grow so fast you can almost see them getting taller by the minute. It means their wardrobes needs adjusting on a regular basis.
During the summer I threw out loads of t-shirts which was to small, not worn enough to throw away, but not new enough to pass on either. So I had to find another use for them.

I decided to cut them into strips to make 'yarn'. I found a tutorial on
Instructables (I really searched but I can't find the link anymore!) on how to cut a t-shirt into a continious strip.

Soon the pile of t-shirts turned into a pile of yarn-balls.

The balls sat around my work table for a month or so as I did not have a hook big enough for the thickness of the yarn.

But today I finally got around to trying out my new 10mm hook. Now I have a t-shirt-yarn hexagon. It feels thick and strong but also soft and plyable at the same time.

So what will it become? Any suggestions?